Welcome to the GB Non-native Species Secretariat online training website

The NNSS has developed a range of freely available e-learning modules to provide an introduction to non-native species, and how to identify them. Keep checking back for further modules in the future. If you have any problems accessing the e-learning please contact the NNSS. You can find further resources on non-native species on the main NNSS website

Log in to the website

Please note, any accounts from the previous website have not been carried over to this new website. You will need to register again to access the e-learning. If you need copies of previous test scores or certificates please contact nnss@apha.gov.uk.

  • If this is your first time here, you need to register here before you can enrol on a course.
  • Existing users can login here.

Enrol on a course

Take e-learning

  • Once you have enrolled on a course, click on the course name when you are ready to begin